The Third Sunday of Lent (C)

God presses into our experience with an aching heart. He thirsts for you.

Painting: Woman at The Well by Crystal Close

The Second Sunday of Lent (C)

The invitation of prayer is to go into a place where you don’t have a relationship with God. It’s where you enter into the depths of your soul— where you are a relation with God.

Painting: Transfiguration of Christ by Luca Giordano

Ash Wednesday (C)

Satan doesn’t have to make us atheists, all he has to do is make us lukewarm.

The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

Why am I so easy to pick out everyone else’s faults, but not willing to look at my own heart? To see where the Lord is calling me out?

Painting: The Parable of the Mote and the Beam by Domenico Fetti

The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

“Love to be real… it must cost, it must hurt, it must empty us of self.” Mother Teresa

Painting: Arms of Mercy by Gabriel Heaton

The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

Where do you invest your “happy tokens”?

The Presentation of Our Lord (C)

The innermost being of my person is the place where The Holy Spirit resides.

The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

All truths are built upon more fundamental truths.

The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

Mary is not just a woman, Mary is the woman.

Christ’s First Miracle: The Wedding Feast at Cana by Paolo Veronese

The Baptism of The Lord (C)

Baptism is the entryway into the life of grace.

The Baptism of The Lord by Sebastiano Ricci

The Epiphany of The Lord (C)

Objective truth, and abiding in it, makes us free.

The Adoration of the Magi by Matthias Stom, 1633–1639

The Feast of The Holy Family (C)

Wherever the family goes, so goes the nation.

The Holy Family by Claudio Coello, 1680

The Nativity of Our Lord (C)

Christmas is all about a remembering, a harkening back to see reality as we were able to see it as a kid.

Fourth Sunday of Advent (C)

Love is never stagnant, it always seeks to give itself away.

Artwork: Angels Announcing the Birth of Christ to the Shepherds by Govert Flinck (1615–1660)

Gaudete Sunday (C)

What does authentic Joy feel like?

Artwork: Seeing Shepherds by Daniel Bonnell (current)

The Second Sunday of Advent (C)

What are the obstacles in my life that, when He comes, prevent me from receiving Him?

Artwork: The Nativity by Gari Melchers (1860–1932)

The First Sunday of Advent (C)

Do I still long for the coming of Christ?

Artwork: The Annunciation by Henry Ossawa Tanner  (1859–1937)

The Solemnity of Christ the King (B)

There is no one that I ultimately have to give complete allegiance to except our Lord Jesus Christ Who is King of The Universe.

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Heaven is what awaits us if we decide yes to what the Lord wishes to give us. Life is all about making a decision for Him.

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

“The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus. When you see a priest, think of our Lord Jesus Christ.” St. John Vianney

All Saints Solemnity

It is not me and Jesus, it is we and Jesus.

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Where do you feel uncared for? Unprovided for? Where do you feel orphaned?

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

We want what we want, and we want it our way. The way to fulfill what we want is through the Cross.

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

God wants to marry you.

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

God isn’t simply good— God is goodness itself. When you receive the body and blood of Christ— it’s not a piece of God. It’s the totality of His existence being bled into you. You receive goodness itself.

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

You and I need to stop trying so hard.

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Our profession of faith, and the way that we choose to live, are one in the same thing.

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

In order to speak truth, you must open yourself to listen to truth.

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Either you’re in or you’re out— stop pretending.

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

The same teachings from Jesus, that were accepted by the first Jews, that were accepted by the early Church, are the same teachings that have been taught unwaveringly for two thousand years.

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

We are afraid of the “what-if”

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

The depths of the human heart are deeper than the ocean.

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

There is nothing small about God. He is completely excessive.

Corpus Christi

The purpose of the Eucharist isn’t just so we can look upon it, but eat it and become one in Holy Communion with Our Lord who loves us so, so much.

Trinity Sunday

The Holy Trinity is the mystery of all mysteries.

Pentecost Sunday

The most overlooked gift of the Church is The Holy Spirit.

Ascension Sunday

It is no small thing to be a mother, and it is no small thing to be a Christian!

Fifth Sunday of Easter

To be a Christian is to abide in Christ.

Fourth Sunday of Easter

The Good Shepherd loves us enough to teach the truth and protect us from error.

Third Sunday of Easter

You don’t have a body. You are a body.

Divine Mercy Sunday

We live in a society where everything is permitted and nothing forgiven. Jesus shows us the reality that not everything is permitted but everything can be forgiven.

Easter Vigil

If the Resurrection isn’t FACT, than we all need to stop pretending that it is. If it is FACT, we need to all stop simply pretending that it is, and actually live our lives like it is FACT.

Holy Thursday

Christ Jesus came to answer the questions and desires of the human heart.

Palm Sunday

Accepting reality as it is, not as we wish it to be.

Fifth Sunday of Lent

God doesn’t establish contracts with His people. He establishes covenants.

Fourth Sunday of Lent

God comes to us on His own terms; not ours.

Second Sunday of Lent

When I entrust what is dearest to me to God I am, in effect, saying: “I trust you.”

First Sunday of Lent

Christ Jesus enters the desert of your hearts.

Ash Wednesday

Declutter. Detox. Halftime Pep talk. Date night.

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

There is nothing so putrid, disgusting, or vile in you that our Lord won’t touch.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

“What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us?”

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Our Relationship with Christ Jesus relativizes everything.

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

What are you seeking? What is your heart’s desire?

The Feast of the Holy Family

The greatest battle being fought right now is over the family.

The Nativity of our Lord

God wants to be held by you.

Fourth Sunday of Advent (B)

To need a Savior means: “I can’t do it.”

Third Sunday of Advent (B) Gaudete Sunday

Rejoice! What for?

Second Sunday of Advent (B)

The surest way to superficial happiness is to pretend your sufferings don’t exist.

The Immaculate Conception (B)

When we look to Mary we are meant to see what the Church is meant to be.

First Sunday of Advent (B)

Is Christ Jesus’ Second Coming folklore or does it have real implications on how you live your life?

Solemnity of Jesus Christ King of the Universe (A)

The rule by which all of the universe is governed is love.

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Can you suffer the gaze of God?

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Have you run out of oil? Do you still thirst to see the face of God?

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Jesus always remains faithful, even when his Ministers do not.

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Jesus teaches us that our neighbor is the extension of our own self. Their good is my good, their suffering my suffering. To love this radically, I first must be radically loved.

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

God is sovereign over EVERYTHING. What part of your life is he not?

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Have no anxiety at all. Um… How?

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

The Lord is not interested in lip service. He is interested in a true conversion of the heart.

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

We must change attitudes from “I have to go to Mass.” to “I need to go to Mass.”

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

In order to extend mercy, we must first receive it.

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

One of the purest forms of love is tough love.

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

What are you passionate about?

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

When you were baptized you didn’t sign up to be in a club. You signed up to go to war. You are not a cheerleader for Christ. You are his athlete.

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (A)

Stories aren’t real enough to make a real impact; reality is.

The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

We gain in the measure that we give.

The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Fall in love with Beauty Himself.

The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Becoming yoked to Christ means your heart listening to His Heart and His Heart listening to yours.

The Thirteen Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Thirteen Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 7/2/23

There is a God. and I’m not Him.

The Twelve Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

12th Sunday in Ordinary time 6/25/23

I am here. The source of living waters.

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ

Corpus Christi 6/14/23

The greatest attack against the good is when good people don’t speak.

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity Sunday. 6/4/23

You were made from relationship, for relationship. Only in the context of others can you develop yourself.


Pentecost Sunday. 5/28/23

There is nothing small about Catholicism.

Fifth Sunday of Easter

5th Sunday in Easter. 5/7/23

God does not work in generalities; he works in particulars. And the place He has prepared for you answers all the fine details of your specific heart.

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Fourth Sunday of Easter 4/30/23

When one door closes, and a closed door stands before you, and fear and sadness fill our hearts, Jesus reminds us: “I am the gate.”

Third Sunday of Easter

Third Sunday of Easter 4/23/23

Where is Jesus?

Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine Mercy 4/16/23

So, why does the body of the resurrected Lord still bear the wounds of his crucifixion?

Easter Vigil

Easter Vigil 4/8/23

If this is all just a story – to hell with it.

Good Friday

Good Friday 4/7/23

Only in the paradoxes of life can the full breadth of reality be captured. Today we say the day humanity killed God is good. Why?

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday 4/6/23

We all want to pretend that we are perfect. And we all know that we are not.

Passion Sunday

Passion Sunday 4/3/23

Does the Passion narrative bore you? Or does it still shape your life?

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Fifth Sunday of Lent 3/26/23

The Lord never says: “Just get over it.” Our tears, no matter how petty they may seem to us, make Him weep.

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Fourth Sunday of Lent 3/19/23

Behold His face!

Third Sunday of Lent

Third Sunday of Lent 3/12/23

We must learn to become the subject of God’s mad desire.

Second Sunday of Lent

Second Sunday of Lent 3/5/23

It is by pressing into suffering that we are transfigured. It is only by allowing the egg to crack, that a bird can emerge.

First Sunday of Lent

First Sunday of Lent 2/26/23

The sickness that infects and effects the human heart is lack of trust in the Creator.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday 2/22/23

You are utterly dependent upon someone else for everything.

Seventh Sunday Ordinary Time (A)

Seventh Sunday Ordinary Time 2/19/23

Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect. Well, that’s impossible! Right?

Fourth Sunday Ordinary Time (A)

Fourth Sunday Ordinary Time 1/29/23

What is your measurement of success? Is it the same as God’s?

Third Sunday Ordinary Time (A)

Third Sunday Ordinary Time 1/22/23

God wants humanity to be one. And it is through the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church that God gathers humanity into holy communion.

Second Sunday Ordinary Time (A)

Second Sunday Ordinary Time 1/15/23

God wants to be known. And it is through the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church that he is made known.

Epiphany Mass

Epiphany 1/8/23

How far are you willing to travel to be with what you love the most?

Christmas Midnight Mass

Christmas Eve 12/24/22

Can you hear the Angels sing?

Fourth Sunday of Advent (A)

Fourth Sunday of Advent 12/18/22

God is the eternal optimist.

Third Sunday of Advent (A)

Third Sunday of Advent 12/11/22

To stop celebrating is to stop living.

Second Sunday of Advent (A)

Second Sunday of Advent 12/04/22

Hope says: “I want more, and I will achieve it!”

First Sunday of Advent (A)

First Sunday of Advent 11/27/22

Press into silence and press into God.

Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe.

Last Sunday in Ordinary Time 11/13/22

You have a king! Raise a glass and give him a toast!

Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 11/13/22

If we choose our destiny, who in their right mind would choose hell? Anyone who hasn’t acquired the taste for heaven.

Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 11/6/22

The moment God loved you into existence He proposed to you. Your life is your answer.

Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time 10/30/22

“How much larger your life would be if yourself could become smaller in it.” GK Chesterton

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10/23/22

The cry of the lowliest pierces Heaven.

Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10/16/22

He is here.

Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 9/18/22

“Don’t call me a Saint. I don’t want to be dismissed so easily.” – Dorothy Day

Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9/18/22

The secularization of the culture is the result of the secularization of our hearts.

Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9/11/22

Got is too present to hide from him. He is too powerful to try to control him. The invitation is simply to surrender to his mad love for you!

Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty third Sunday in Ordinary Time 9/4/22

We don’t come to Mass to make Jesus #1 in our life. We come to Mass to become one with Jesus. This is a world of difference.

Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8/29/22

Only when we humbly except our status as a creature can God create us into the exalted being He intends us to be.

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8/13/22

Every adventure has two parts: the seeming demise of the protagonist and then his victory.

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8/7/22

Have you grown too old to enjoy God’s youthfulness?

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7/31/22

Why do we prefer the chicken nuggets to the Feast of Heaven?

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7/24/22

Christian prayer is not a call from outside the life of the Trinity; Christian prayer arises in the very heart of the Trinity.

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7/17/22

What’s your ONE?

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7/32

Only until we possess nothing can we then possess everything.

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 6/26/22

If we simply did whatever we wanted to do we would never be truly free, we would never be truly happy.

Corpus Christi Sunday

Corpus Christi Sunday 6/20/22

Jesus is here. Period. We get that, then everything else will follow.

Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday 6/12/22

So, what’s love got to do with it?

Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday 6/5/22

The Holy Spirit wishes to break open your life and set you free! Will you let Him change you?

Ascension Sunday

Ascension Sunday 5/29/22

Sadness creeps into a soul that is not living for a purpose. But how do we go about discovering our mission? From where does our mission ultimately flow?

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Sixth Sunday of Easter 5/22/22

If you love me, you follow my commandments. Today, 2000 years from the historical reality of Christ, how do we know his commandments?

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Fourth Sunday of Easter 5/8/22

The Sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me.

Third Sunday of Easter

Third Sunday of Easter 5/1/22

How sweet and tender, full of mercy and compassion, is our Lord!

Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine Mercy Sunday 4/25/22

Jesus is Alive! And we encounter Him in and through His Church!

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday 4/17/22

Let us run!

Easter Vigil

Easter Vigil 4/16/22

Let your light shine!

Good Friday

Good Friday 4/15/22

The one thing in your life you would want to wish away, today is declared good.

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday 4/14/22

Do this in remembrance of me.

Passion Sunday

Passion Sunday (c) 4/10/22

It is His faithfulness that strengthens our fickle faith.

Laetare Sunday

First Sunday in Lent (c) 3/6/22

It is in coming to see our blindness that we begin to see.

Third Sunday of Lent

First Sunday in Lent (c) 3/6/22

There is a thirst in your bones that nothing this side of Heaven can satiate.

Second Sunday of Lent

First Sunday in Lent (c) 3/6/22

In your smallness, do you trust that you are protected?

First Sunday of Lent

First Sunday in Lent (c) 3/6/22

If we ignore that we are in a spiritual battle, we will become a pawn in Satan’s hand

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday (c) 3/2/22

Lent is a season of return, returning to the source of one’s very existence, and is so doing, to one’s authentic self.

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (c) 2/27/22

To become a vessel of salvation for another, I must first taste salvation myself.

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (c) 2/13/22

There is always the temptation to prefer heaven on earth rather than Heaven itself.

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (c) 2/6/22

Where have I placed parameters around Christ?

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (c) 1/30/22

The Prophet’s sole mission is an act of selfless love: to speak God’s Truth.

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (c) 1/16/22

Not in the future, not in the past, but in the present moment, Grace is provided.

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (c) 1/16/22

Our hearts have grown cold and empty, Mary knows, and she invites her Son to fill them with Divine Life.