This Sacrament continues Jesus’ ministry of rebirth. Baptism is the door into the life of the Church. The Sacrament cleanses us from Original Sin, reunites us with the Father, Fills us with the Holy Spirit, incorporates us into the very Body of Christ, and sends us on mission to be Priests, Prophets, and Kings in the world.

First Holy Communion
This Sacrament continues Jesus’ ministry of self-gift. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian Life. As the very Body and Blood of Christ Jesus, from it we are nourished and toward it we make our pilgrimage.

This Sacrament continues Jesus’ ministry of gifting the Holy Spirit. Confirmation completes our full initiation into the Church. If at Baptism the gift of the Holy Spirit is given to us, at Confirmation that gift is fully opened, confirmed and strengthened.

This Sacrament continues Jesus’ ministry of forgiveness. During our pilgrimage on Earth, as we strive to live fully our Baptismal promises, we often fail. The Sacrament of Reconciliation forgives us of our failings and gives us the needed grace to overcome vice.

Anointing of the Sick
This Sacrament continues Jesus’ ministry of healing. We are not merely souls but are a union of body and soul. The Anointing of the Sick gives us the strength to bear suffering, and if it be God’s gracious will, to overcome our illness.

This Sacrament continues Jesus’ ministry of unity. From the moment of creation, God made man male and female and called them to be one. Their lifelong love and fruitful unity is a sacramental sign of the love and fruitful unity of the Blessed Trinity. God calls some of the Faithful to the mission of revealing God’s love to the world through their marital union.

Holy Orders
This Sacrament continues Jesus’ ministry as High Priest. Jesus is the ultimate High Priest, re-ordering creation back into right worship unto the Father. Jesus calls specific men to share in His Priesthood, continuing His presence up and down the ages.